
Regulation of lawyers


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My friend, who is British, married a Tunisian national.  She married in Tunisia under Tunisian law.  She is currently seeking divorce on grounds of abandonment.  The divorce has been denied at the court of first instance and the case has been appealed.  Her lawyer has been vague as to the reasons why the court of first instance denied the divorce.  Her husband maintains it is because her lawyer has demanded a large sum of money from him by way of damages.  This is not something my friend either requested her lawyer to do or has any knowledge of.  How can she find out whether her laywer has made such demands and if this is the case, is there a body which regulates the practice of lawyers in Tunisia to which she can make a representation?

Grateful of some guidance either in French or English.


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    • Blog JurisiteTunisie
he is currently seeking divorce on grounds of abandonment.  ====>Where?  in Tunisia?
\\\"Quand on aime la justice, on est toujours un révolté...\\\"
Alfred Capus